Bardo Chham Folk Dance of Arunachal Pradesh

Folk Dance Bardo Chham :-
Bardo Chham is a folk dance of Sherdukpens, a small community of West Kameng District of Arunachal Pradesh. Sherdukpens believes that in one year, 12 different types of animals, representing evil forces, appear each month and get together.  Bardo chham litrerally means dance of horoscopes. Bardo Chham is based on the stories of good and evil. According to the local beliefs, there are both good and evil in mankind. The sherdukpens mask themselves representing the different animals and dance to show an act of fighting the evil forces. This form of folk dance form is a kind of dance drama with a message and thus this has got a deep significance within the people of this community and this an accepted fact for sure.
The state of Arunachal Pradesh has got a varied traditions and many tribes are settled out there in the state who have various cultures and they do have various kinds of the dance forms which are widely practiced in the region in various occasions for their entertainment and socializing. Arunachal Pradesh is a state where there are numerous tribes and thus is a motherland of the origination of various folk dances and this form of folk dance is not an exception for sure.
Musical Instrument Used In Bardo Chham :-

In this performance the Sherdukpens mask themselves representing the different animals and dance to the accompaniment of drums and cymbals as an act of fighting the evil forces. A large frame drum with a long handle played with a stick provides the percussion for the dance.

Costumes of Bardo Chham Dance :-

The people mask themselves representing the different animals and dance as an act of fighting the evil forces and to bring peace and prosperity within the community in a major way.

Picture of Bardo Chham Dance:-


Video's of Bardo Chham Dance :-

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